A Brief Guide On Children Visas While Travelling To Kenya
Entry requirements vary from country to country. Whether you are travelling to new and exciting areas or revisiting already explored regions, it is vital that you are prepared for your journey.
Valid passports or other travel documents acceptable to the Government of Kenya are required for all persons other than Kenya citizens wishing to enter Kenya. Travellers to Kenya should ensure that the validity of their passports is at least six months beyond the end of their intended stay. Kenyan immigration authorities require a minimum of one blank (unstamped) visa page in the passport to enter the country. If a traveller intends to leave the airport or pass through immigration, a visa is required. Effective 1st July 2011, most travellers including minor children (persons aged 16 years and below – who were previously exempted from visa payment and other formalities) require a valid visa to travel to Kenya. Whilst entry point passes for children are available for some citizens and passport holders, it is wise to obtain valid entry visas well in advance. Parents of minors who opt to obtain entry point visitor’s passes will be issued with Single Journey visas and may encounter delays upon arrival.
Travellers and children of nationals of East African Partner States holding valid passports and other acceptable travel documents may be issued with a visitor’s pass on arrival at a port of entry into Kenya valid for six months. Other bona fide visiting children and travellers may be issued with a visitor’s pass on arrival at a port of entry into Kenya valid for a period not exceeding three months in the first instance if they are in possession of a valid passport or other acceptable travel document and meet all other visa requirements. To avoid unnecessary delays and possible refusal for permission to enter Kenya, consult with a Kenyan mission in your country of residence to find out if you require a visa to enter Kenya, and if so, whether you can obtain a valid visitor’s pass at a Kenyan entry point.
Visa Fees
Regardless of age and whether obtained in advance or at an entry point, the charges are:
- 1. Ordinary Single Journey visa fee is US $50.00
- 2. Ordinary Multiple Journey visa fee is US $100.00
- 3. Transit visa fee is US $20.00
- 4. Administrative fee for referred visa is US $10.00 non-refundable
NB: The above quoted fees are subject to change. For more information on up-to-date charges, visa application and visa categories based on nationalities, please visit the Department of Immigration of Kenya website (www.immigration.go.ke).
Additionally, note that the possession of a Kenyan Visa is not the final authority to enter Kenya. The Immigration Officer at the port of entry may deny entry if the visitor is unable to fulfil the immigration requirements and if the entry and presence of such a person in Kenya would be contrary to national interests, even if such a person were in possession of a valid visa for Kenya.
Before travelling, be in no doubt that the whole family fulfils the obligatory entry visa requirements and your journey to discover – or rediscover – Kenya will start with a smile!